THE VILLAGE OF SANTA CLAUS – SAN SPERATE – DECEMBER 8 TO 22 Reviewed by admin on . Also this year ART & WINDS remembers the event, bringing new and interesting surprises in order to continue an event that has managed to amaze young and old Also this year ART & WINDS remembers the event, bringing new and interesting surprises in order to continue an event that has managed to amaze young and old Rating:


Also this year ART & WINDS remembers the event, bringing new and interesting surprises in order to continue an event that has managed to amaze young and old.
Lights, colors and fantastical elements were visually striking, but the study of recreational paths and animation have given added value to the event.
“The Santa Claus Village 2012″ will be realized as last year at the Museum of Raw, picturesque location, old and especially suitable for Implement
ion event.
The property is located in the city center.
The event will take 8 to 22 December 2012, and provides a path studied in detail in order to stimulate more creativity and ingenuity of children.
Children are welcomed by the Elves, faithful helpers of Santa Claus, and accompanied the rooms of the Village, until you meet the characters of the Christmas tradition. The Post Room, the Hall of Tales and the Room of Santa Claus are just some of the areas that children can visit accompanied by the Elves.

We will invite the students of St. Hope and neighboring countries and present the recreational activities for children and adults in which will be offered as prizes and awards offered small gifts.

Our opening hours:
– Saturday 08 and Sunday 09
4:00 p.m. to 21:00 10:00 to 12:30 hours
– Friday 14
18:00 to 21:00 hours
– Saturday 15 and Sunday 16
4:00 p.m. to 21:00 10:00 to 12:30 hours
– Friday 21
18:00 to 21:00 hours
– Saturday 22
4:00 p.m. to 21:00 10:00 to 12:30 hours


Alessandra D., CARSALMAZ Ltd., CONTRAST Hairdressers Domitia A., Crearte of Jessica C., ELETTROIMPIANTI Leopoldo C., MURALS snc di Leonardo M. and Diego L., Valentina Z..
We also thank: TOWN SAN SPERATE, Market SIGMA, Biscottificio collusion, Market MAMELI M., MILLEIDEE, ELETTROSISTEM, Roberto LASIO

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