GENOVA E CAGLIARI SONO LE CAPITALI DELLA FELICITA’ IN ITALIAGENOA AND CAGLIARI ARE THE CAPITAL OF HAPPINESS ‘IN ITALY Reviewed by admin on . Genova e Cagliari sono le capitali d'Italia della felicità. Eì quello che si deduce da un'indagine sulla base dei "cinguettii" degli utenti di Twitter. Cagliari Genova e Cagliari sono le capitali d'Italia della felicità. Eì quello che si deduce da un'indagine sulla base dei "cinguettii" degli utenti di Twitter. Cagliari Rating: 0


frasi-1Genova e Cagliari sono le capitali d’Italia della felicità. Eì quello che si deduce da un’indagine sulla base dei “cinguettii” degli utenti di Twitter.

Cagliari,infatti, si trova al secondo posto di questa speciale classifica.


Ma cosa rende gli italiani felici (o tristi)? Innanzitutto gli italiani sono “meteopatici”. Se lo scorso inverno (50,2%), durante i freddi mesi di gennaio e febbraio, il Bel Paese è stato mediamente triste, a marzo 2013, con l’arrivo della primavera, la felicità balza verso l’alto (67,4%).  La data scelta dall’ONU per celebrare la felicità sembra dunque quanto mai appropriata. Se consideriamo i giorni della settimana, di lunedì si è più tristi (59,2%), mentre i giorni di coppa (il martedì e mercoledì), così come il sabato, sono giorni felici. La felicità migliora poi sensibilmente nei giorni di festa (+1,8%), ma solo quando la festività non cade nel week-end, altrimenti niente vacanza e il giorno di festa diventa un “ponte sprecato”.


Tra le feste è il Natale a farla da padrone (iHappy +14,3%), ma in Italia anche la festa della mamma produce molti sorrisi (+11,1%), così come il giorno che precede la busta paga (un effetto temporaneo però, che scompare in 24 ore: controllare quanto effettivamente rimane in tasca dopo bollette e spese varie probabilmente non aiuta il buonumore). Al contrario, lo spostamento di lancette dovuto all’ora legale genera ansia e depressione, e fa crollare la felicità di oltre 5 punti. Anche la latitudine, infine, può fare la differenza. Risalendo la penisola da sud nord la felicità diminuisce, tranne nelle provincie in cui c’è il mare. E infatti se Milano avesse il mare…la sua felicità crescerebbe di 1,3 punti.

L’intera ricerca si può consultare nell’ebook di Voices from the Blogs in collaborazione con Wired Italia.frasi-1Genoa and Cagliari is the capital of Italy happiness. MEOBOOT what can be deduced from an investigation on the basis of ” chirps ” of Twitter users .

“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” These are the words carved in the text of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, to remind us how the aspiration to happiness is a fundamental element in the life of each of us. Next to the GDP , wealth , and political freedoms that citizens can enjoy, even the degree of happiness of every individual deserves indeed to be taken into account when measuring the well-being and effectiveness of our democracies. And in this spirit , the UN has set up since last year ‘s World Day of happiness that today, March 20 , celebrates its second anniversary .


But in Italy, where he is happier ? And what are the factors that most influence the smile of the Italians? To try to answer these questions, one possibility is to analyze what the Italians write on social media. After all , to express joy or sadness, 140 characters are often more than enough , and the index iHappy , which we have already spoken several times in these pages , is born with this goal in mind.

An analysis of more than 40 million Twitter messages collected daily in 110 Italian provinces , shows that in 2013 the capital of happiness in Italy was Genoa. The province of Genoa is an element in first place with 75.5 % of tweets happy. In second place , and within walking distance , we find Cagliari ( 75.1 %), while the top-ten also appear Parma ( fourth with 72.9 % ), Bari (seventh : 71.7 % ) and Bologna ( 71.4% ) , the second in 2012 but this year drops to tenth place.


Almost all big cities do, however, record values ​​of reduced happiness . It only saves Florence, on the 65th place with 58.2% of tweets happy. More Rome detached (54 % and 21 positions in Florence) , while in the slums of the league are Turin (91 th place ) , Milan (93 ° ) and Naples (96 °). In short, it would seem that living in the metropolis , in a period of crisis continuing , it is a good medicine for the smile , including stress (hyper) work (when there is ) , traffic, higher prices and smog. The province saddest of 2013 was, however, Aosta (44.2% ), followed by Nuoro ( 45.8 %) , which this year is confirmed in the penultimate position , and Padua ( 45.9 %). Venice too bad (48% ) and Olbia -Tempio (49.5% ), which like the nearby Nuoro was one of the areas hardest hit by the cyclone Cleopatra.

If we consider the Italian regions , Puglia and Emilia -Romagna are the happiest in the ranking of iHappy , with values ​​around 66 %, while Lombardy and Veneto stop at 53% and are at the bottom of the standings.

But what makes Italians happy ( or sad ) ? First of all Italians are ” meteopatici .” If last winter (50.2% ) , during the cold months of January and February, the Bel Paese was sad on average , in March 2013 , with the arrival of spring , happiness leaps upward ( 67.4 % ) . The date chosen by the United Nations to celebrate the happiness thus seems more appropriate than ever . If we consider the days of the week, Monday was the saddest (59.2 %), while the days of cup ( Tuesday and Wednesday) , as well as on Saturdays, are happy days. Happiness then improves significantly on feast days (+1.8%) , but only when the holidays do not fall on weekends , holidays and anything else the day of celebration becomes a ” bridge wasted.”

Among the festivities is Christmas to lord it ( iHappy +14.3 %), but also in Italy Mother’s Day produces lots of smiles (+11.1%) , as well as on the day before the paycheck ( an effect however temporary , which disappears in 24 hours: check what actually remains in your pocket after bills and miscellaneous expenses probably does not help the mood .) On the contrary, the movement of the hands due to daylight saving time generates anxiety and depression, and destroys the happiness of more than 5 points. Even the latitude , the bank can make a difference. Going up the peninsula from south to north happiness decreases, except in the provinces where there is the sea . And in fact if Milan had the sea … his happiness would increase by 1.3 points.

The entire study can be found in Voices from the ebook Blogs in collaboration with Wired Italy .

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