MESAUSTU -FERRAGOSTO A ORGOSOLO – WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15 Reviewed by admin on . Sardinia Savage organizes the August holiday barbaricino - Mesaustu, Ferragosto Orgosolo The program in detail: 8:00 am departure by bus from Cagliari to gt Mam Sardinia Savage organizes the August holiday barbaricino - Mesaustu, Ferragosto Orgosolo The program in detail: 8:00 am departure by bus from Cagliari to gt Mam Rating:


Sardinia Savage organizes the August holiday barbaricino – Mesaustu, Ferragosto Orgosolo

The program in detail: 8:00 am departure by bus from Cagliari to gt Mamoiada, visit the Museum of Mediterranean masks. At 1000 meters altitude, in a beautiful farmlands will sample lunch mamojadina ministry of culture-based products exclusively local.

In the mid-August evening in Orgosolo is the main festival with an ancient custom. In fact, the period of Mezzagosto for a company
pastoral as the Orgosolo was the period when the agricultural season is closed and opened the new one. It ‘s well known that this, like many other occasions in inland areas of Barbagia, has pre-Christian origins. The religious character makes now consolidated with the festivities in honor of the Blessed Virgin of the Assumption, also one of the main celebrations of the Catholic faith.

“S’Assunta” as they call him Orgosolo the church in the east, is the central point of religious manifestazoni. Its construction dates back to 1634, when the Archbishop of Cagliari, Monsignor Ambrogio Machin granted the necessary permission to some families Orgosolo. We wanted to keep it an ancient image of the Blessed Assumption, which is still there and that is carried in procession every year, with an elaborate ritual that involves her dressing and undressing before the party afterwards.

Inside the church, recently restored, was restored to splendio fresco. On August 15, late afternoon, after the Mass, the statue of the Madonna is carried in procession dormant, which remains one of the most striking that you can see in Sardinia. In fact, the statue of the Virgin make contour the beautiful costumes, the composure of the faithful and many knights, called “SOS Vardieris”, after the procession, sometimes performing acrobatic figures in improvised and daring in what is commonly called “Sa Vardia” . For riders, ancient custom, was offered a sweet, “s’aranzada” and, as the only drink the wine. (Fonte_Comune Orgosolo).

For registration contact the Association:
Sardinia Wild

346103 00 00-347458 47 62 hours 9 -13 hours 16:30 to 21:00

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